Wednesday 2 March 2011


Finally, I've set up a blog site that will focus on my own games based learning adventures! This is an adjunct to my games based learning resource site :

I discovered the idea of using video games in education last summer and am now finally on my way to exploring that in my teaching. I am a Special Education Resource Teacher at Goodfellow PS in Ontario.

I'm very eager to hear any thoughts or comments other educators might have about these issues. Please always feel free to contact me by leaving a comment on the blog, via Twitter (@JulieeJohnsonn) or via email:

Very much looking forward to elaborating on this blog site about my Wii project and issues/ideas about gaming in education!

Happy Gaming!
Julie Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie: I saw your presentation on Games Based Learning at the Education Centre. I was inspired by your passion to engage our 21 century learners. I look forward to surfing your site for ideas that I can link to the curriculum.

    Jill Windsor, Instructional Strategies Consultant
